Hello, I am DanielA Software Engineer
To me, technology is beautiful . Because of its ever-changing nature that creates an environment with endless opportunities . An environment with always more to learn.
Get In TouchI am Daniel, a Software Engineer. I like learning about new technology and building fun and challenging projects.
While I explore all kinds of technologies, my set of skills makes me very qualified for web-related development. My knowledge of front-end and back-end technologies helps me create fast and reliable web experiences.
This project aims to provide a visualization tool for graph algorithms. It offers an interactive environment to visualize the workings of various graph algorithms such as Breadth First Search, Dijkstra's Algorithm, and more.
Scraper copier is a fast, powerful, and portable web scrapper. Given a root URL, it finds and retrieves all valuable files. Scrapper-copier can also serve the retrieved files through a minimal proxy that features live background caching.
KdShop is a platform for retail businesses to present and manage their product. KdShop works closely with Facebook's graph API to help extends the visibility of its users.